Category: Events

  • A grand piano awaiting for students to bring it to life in recitals.

    Recitals For 2024

    In 2024, Vance Music students have the opportunity to once again perform in monthly recitals and the annual Christmas Recital.

  • A boy actively listening to music with advanced questions.

    How To Listen To Music At An Advanced Level

    Questions at an advanced level to improve music students’ active listening skills requires more abstract thinking, more knowledge of music theory and history, and also some musical skill.

  • A young woman studying music through active listening at an intermediate level.

    How To Listen To Music At An Intermediate Level

    In part one, we discussed what active listening is and how you can begin practicing it. This week we’ll move on to the intermediate active listening level.

  • Student listening to the music

    How To Listen To Music

    We hear music all the time, but how well do we listen? For the music student, learning to listen carefully is crucial. In this article, we’ll focus on using active listening to improve your ability to really listen to music.