WSU Shocker Keys 2025 Elementary School Piano Festival

A young lady participating in a festival similar to the WSU Shocker keys festival

In this article, you will find information for Vance Music students about the WSU Shocker Keys 2025 Elementary School Piano Festival:

  • WSU Shocker Keys 2025 ES Piano Festival Dates
  • Location & Google Map Links
  • Visual Festival Map
  • Printable Festival Map PDF
  • Festival Schedule PDF
  • Original WSU Festival Letter
  • Who Can Attend
  • Festival Procedures
  • Festival Etiquette

WSU Shocker Keys Piano Festival Basics

Saturday, February 15th & Sunday, February 16th, 2025

WSU General Address: 1845 N. Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260

WSU Duerksen Fine Arts Center Google Map

Parents and students, please review the WSU Festival procedures and etiquette further down in the article.

WSU Shocker piano festival map marked with main intersections, parking, performance rooms, lobbies, and practice rooms

Students & parents: if you have questions about the WSU Shocker Elementary School piano festival after accessing these PDF files & reading the rest of the article, please contact Marissa

Who Can Attend The WSU Shocker Keys Festival

Performance rooms at the WSU Shocker Keys Elementary School Piano Festivals are fairly large, and able to accommodate a number of guests. Students should feel free to invite family and friends. Vance Music students are welcome to show their support for one another by coming to listen. Vance Music staff members will be in attendance to support students as well.

A young pianist performing in a music festival like WSU Shocker Keys.

Festival Procedure

The Shocker Keys festival is a great setting for young pianists to begin performing in festival and competition environments! Judges are college music students raising money to attend local and national music conferences. No ratings or prizes are awarded; students who perform receive a certificate and comments from their judge.

A checklist picture to represent all of the preparations needed for WSU Shocker Keys Festival.

  1. Before the festival, prepare your music by doing three things: write your name and contact information inside the front cover of your book, write measure numbers in red ink above each bar line, and erase all practice markings you do not wish the judge to see. No photocopies are allowed at festivals, so make sure to bring your music book with you.
  2. Practice rooms at the Shocker Keys festival are meant to be used by students who live outside of Wichita. If you live in Wichita, make sure you warm up at home before leaving for the festival.
  3. Plan to arrive thirty minutes before your performance time.
  4. Check in at your performance room.
  5. If you live outside of Wichita, go to a practice room to warm up. You may need to wait until a room becomes available. Limit your warm-up to five minutes so that the room can be used by other students. Use your time to prepare physically and mentally for your performance.
  6. If you live within Wichita and will not be using a practice room, go to a lobby or somewhere you can sit down. Play your song on your lap and imagine how you will perform.
  7. Go to your performance room and check in again.
  8. Have your music opened to the correct page for the judge.
  9. When it is your turn, go to the piano and adjust your bench.
  10. Warm up by playing a scale. This time should be used to familiarize yourself with the sound and touch of the instrument you will perform on. (WSU Shocker Keys Festival guidelines remind students not to warm up by playing their song.)
  11. When the judge is ready for you to perform, stand to announce your piece to the judge. Announce your name, grade, song, and composer. Make sure to smile.
  12. Be seated, re-check your position, breathe, and perform your song.
  13. Smile and bow (first to the judge, then to the audience if they are not seated in the same area).
  14. If there is time, the judge may give you verbal comments or even a mini lesson. Listen attentively and politely.
  15. Thank the judge for listening to you perform.
  16. Collect your music.

Festival Etiquette

  1. Bring your music. Make sure your name and email or phone number is written inside the front cover. Make sure measure numbers are written in red ink above each bar line. No photocopies are allowed at festival.
  2. Talk softly in the halls, especially close to performance rooms. If you need to have a louder conversation, please move to the lobby or step outside.
  3. No running in the building.
  4. Children should be accompanied by an adult in the building.
  5. Be courteous to festival staff and judges. Thank them for their help and time.
  6. Turn off cell phones and electronic devices before entering performance rooms.
  7. Refrain from flash photography in the performance rooms. Turn off any sound effects on your camera prior to entering the performance rooms.
  8. Audience members should not talk while students are warming up, performing, or while judges are talking.
A Vance Music student and teacher after a student performance at a festival like WSU Shocker Keys.

Best of luck & have fun performing!

Group of kids celebrate after performing at a festival like WSU Shocker Keys